WE are once again in the season of Lent. It’s a period of preparation
for the greatest event in the history of mankind—the passion, death and
resurrection of Christ—which we will celebrate within the Holy Week,
from the evening of Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday.
It’s a period meant to purify ourselves, with the aim of
strengthening us spiritually and morally, and with the view of making
ourselves more and more identified with Christ, who is the very pattern
of our life, “the way, the truth and the life” for us.
We cannot deny that we need some purification because in spite of our
best efforts, we cannot help but get dirtied somehow with the many and
multiplying things we have to handle in the world today.
There are many new things coming up, and our curiosity gets aroused.
We also know that our learning process to grapple with these new
developments will always involve some falls, some mistakes which can
either be small or big.
We need to pause and reflect on the significance of this period
because with all the activities, concerns, not to mention the challenges
and trials of our life, we tend to take Lent for granted and content
ourselves with going through the motions of some sacrifices just to get
Lent is actually a very happy occasion, because in spite of the
fasting and abstinence asked of us on certain days and the prodding to
be generous with all kinds of self-denial and works of mercy, we are
slowly being molded into another Christ, our sole Redeemer, with whom we
also have to redeem ourselves.
Let’s remember that each of us is expected to be a co-redeemer with
Christ. No matter how much Christ wants to save us, even to the extent
of offering his life on the cross, if we do not correspond to his
redeeming will and ways, we will not be saved.
St. Augustine once said: “God made us without us, but he cannot save
us without us.” We have to understand that Lent is a very good occasion
to go through another conversion, another renewal, another reaffirmation
of our commitment to follow Christ faithfully, so that our redemption
becomes a joint effort between Christ and us as it ought to be.
We should then realize that all those fasting and abstinence, those
acts of self-denial and works of mercy, should leave us with a growing
sensation that we are becoming more and more like Christ,, thinking,
choosing, doing things like him and with him.
Otherwise, all these acts would lose their purpose. They would just
become mechanical, soulless acts, a routine just to pass the time. We
have to make sure that with God’s grace that would always require of us
humility and simplicity and all the virtues, we get the sensation that
we are another Christ.
And we should not be afraid to be so. We should disabuse ourselves
from the fear that by aiming to be another Christ, we would become proud
and vain, feeling superior over others, and falling into a
psychological disorder called messianic complex.
Obviously, all these can happen if we are not careful. But if we make
the effort to correspond to God’s grace always, then we can be and we
can do what Christ was and did. He was humble and simple, merciful and
compassionate. He lived the true spirit of poverty.
He also said that his food was to do the will of his Father, that he
came not to condemn but to save the world. These would also be the mind
that we would have if we grow to become another Christ.
Like Christ, we would not to be afraid to suffer. We would be willing
to bear the burden of the others. As commanded by Christ and lived by
him, we would know how to love everyone, including those who consider
themselves as our enemies.
We have to see to it that these traits and qualities of Christ are
slowly taking root in our lives. We should feel the need to pray, like
what Christ did also, even waking up early before sunrise to go a
certain place to pray. We should be able to have intimate conversations
with our Father God.
Like Christ, we should do our work well to such an extent that we can
gain that reputation that Christ himself had: “bene omnia fecit,” he
did all things well.
We have to understand Lent as a period of sculpting the image of the living Christ in us.
Source: http://www.cbcpnews.com/cbcpnews/?p=51291
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