When my son Bene was only three years old, he was already a brilliant philosopher-theologian.
Because of this, I sometimes felt he was an alien disguised as a three-year old boy doing espionage work.
Let me give you an example of what I mean.
When the little guy turned three, my wife placed him on her knee and asked him a simple question, “What is Mommy?”
The cute elf smiled, shocked the daylights out of her when he declared, “Mommy is a gift. A gift for Bene.”
Naturally, my wife hugged him to pieces, wetting the floor with her tears.
She called me excitedly and told me what the in-house philosopher-theologian said this time.
I told her, “Three-year old boys don’t say such
things. They should just say Mama and Wiwi and Mamam. See Sweetheart?
I told you he’s an alien. Probably from planet Krypton.”
Wanting to find out who I was to him, I grabbed the little bundle and placed him on my knee, and asked, “What is Daddy?”
He smiled, “Daddy is a straw. A long straw. Because Daddy is tall.”
I thought my wife wouldn’t stop laughing.
I told her, “I think he’s faking it. He realized we suspected he’s an alien so he’s talking like a three-year old boy again.”
I looked at my son and asked, “Bene, your Daddy is
just a straw? I’m not a, you know, something more special? Like a
blessing from heaven? A ray of sunlight? A song of the angels? A
poem of the universe?”
His lips were pursed, his face firm. “You’re a straw.”
Perhaps I don’t have the IQ to decipher the hidden
message behind his esoteric definition for Daddy. Could it be that
through his Daddy, my son is able to suck the juices out of life’s
wealth and wisdom?
“Don’t push it,” my wife said curtly.
But both of us agreed with Bene: What if we really
saw each other as gifts? Gift-wrapped by God in different shapes and
sizes, colors and personalities. Some are as long as straws, some as
chubby as basketballs. But all are gifts.
No wonder, Bene—and all little children—seem to
have so much fun in life. They’re so busy unwrapping people as gifts of
love from above.
Look around you now.
Have you opened some gifts lately?
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
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